Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Olivia gets dressed to go home - apparently she is not sure what she thinks of her fancy new clothes.

Hanging out with Dad....

Taylor and Olivia (asleep as usual).

Denis and Olivia on Monday.

Kathy gets to say hello.
Meeting Susan and Steven.

Olivia spent most of Sunday just like this - passed out!
Olivia gets her first outfit and her second check-up.
Olivia gets her first exam.
Olivia meets Mom for the first time.

She weighed in at 6 lbs even.
The very first picture, shortly after 2:33 am on January 27th, 2008.

Welcome All

We have created this page for Olivia so that you can all see our pictures and get updates without filling up your inbox. Thanks to everybody for their well wishes over this past weekend. Both Taylor and Olivia are home and doing very well.