Sunday, November 4, 2012

Olivia at the park.
Olivia and one of the many tea parties we have during the week.
Olivia and mom on her birthday. Thanks for helping me blow out the candles Liv.

Hudson at the park

 A great fall day at the park. These long winter months are going to be tough on Hudson because all he wants to do is be outside.

 The perfect picture to sum up Hudson - a boy on the run at all times.

Happy Halloween

 Hudson went as a fireman this year and had so much fun collecting a bucketful of treats.
Hudson and Olivia ready for the festivities to begin.

Olivia went as Merida (the heroine/princess from Brave). She was a great big sister and collected treats for both her Halloween bucket and Hudson's bucket. Hudson wanted to ride in his car for the first part of trick-or-treating.

 Another treat to add to his collection.
 We had a slight wig malfunction halfway through.

 Olivia was on a mission to get to as many spooky houses as possible.

 By the end of the evening, Hudson was all about going up to the door and asking for a treat. He realized how much fun he was missing riding in his car.